Why do some people feel comfortable taking advantage of others, I hate that shit with a passion. I keep things in. I’m writing this all from past experiences. You poke a person until it turns red on the power bar then call the popo. You say the person is crazy. Cmon, stop that bullshit. You know what you’re doing, why not just stop it. This world would be a better place. You can’t poke a person but smile to their face and expect things to stay melo forever. This is not Management in Wonderland. Namaste
ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY – PETA RESEARCH Janelle Rohr, ed. “Animal Rights Opposing Viewpoints”. Greenhaven Pr 1989. Print I got this book to learn on whether there is even rights for animals and to learn about the opposing agruments about the situation of animal rights Griffiths, Heather: Steinbrecher, Christopher “THE COLONEL'S STRATEGY: KFC, PETA, AND SUPERFICIAL APPEASEMENT” Excerpt in Sociological Spectrum. Vol. 30 Issue 6, p725-741, 17p Print This talks about the fight between fast food restaurants and Animal Right Activits Freeman, Carrie Packwood. “Framing Animal Rights in the "Go Veg" Campaigns of U.S. Animal Rights Organizations ” Vol 18. 2010 Print This article explains that we can all avoid killing animals and still get a balanced diet Murchison, William. “Animal Rights and Wrongs” Vol 36 pg29-39=6, 8p Print This article compare animals to humans and explains how wrong it is and that it should be banned Pivetti, Monica. “Animal rights activists...
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