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Janelle Rohr, ed.  “Animal Rights Opposing Viewpoints”. Greenhaven Pr 1989. Print

I got this book to learn on whether there is even rights for animals and to learn about the opposing agruments about the situation of animal rights

Griffiths, Heather: Steinbrecher, Christopher “THE COLONEL'S STRATEGY: KFC, PETA, AND SUPERFICIAL APPEASEMENT”  Excerpt in Sociological Spectrum. Vol. 30 Issue 6, p725-741, 17p Print

This talks about the fight between fast food restaurants and Animal Right Activits

This article explains that we can all avoid killing animals and still get a balanced diet

Murchison, William. “Animal Rights and Wrongs” Vol 36 pg29-39=6, 8p Print

This article compare animals to humans and explains how wrong it is and that it should be banned

Pivetti, Monica. “Animal rights activists' representations of animals and animal rights: An exploratory study” Excerpt in Anthrozoos. Vol 18, 2005. Print

Martinez, Edecio. ""Gothic Kittens" Cruelty Case: Seller Holly Crawford Wants to Groom Pets Again." Animal Concerns Community. 7 Dec. 2010. Web. 08 May 2011. <>.

This link talks about how people design their pets, in the article it talks about people giving piercing to their animals


  1. 1. Are the sources listed in this Annotated Bibliography reliable? Why or why not?
    Your sources listed ultimately do seem reliable because most of them appear to be from academic journals.
    2. Do the sources listed seem relevant to the stated research topic? If so, how?
    Your sources also seem rather relevant to your stated research topic because a lot of your sources are animal related but your topic is extremely general and broad. Therefore it’s hard to pin point exactly what you will be talking about in your paper.
    3. What additional sources might you suggest this student find? (Not specific articles/books per se, but what kind of information might the student still need to write this essay?)
    I’m not too clear on where your essay is going because of the mere fact that PETA research is so broad so I don’t know what kind of sources to recommend for you. But it looks like your argument is that animals do have some rights based upon your listed sources.
    4. Are the sources listed in correct MLA style for a Works Cited page? (You can go to for reference.)
    For the most part the structure of the MLA style is correct you just have to “italicize” the piece of work (i.e.The book, article, journal) that you’re citing from and you’re missing the date of publication on some of them.
    5. Do you think this topic will make a compelling research essay? Why or why not?
    Once again I’m not too sure of your topic, but if it’s about animals having certain rights then yes, I believe this would be a rather compelling topic. I’ve never really done research about this issue, though I have heard of about it, so it would be interesting to find out the arguments that are presented about this issue.

  2. Very on the point/topic sources. Great Format, could be a little cleaner.

  3. it looks like you know how you going to use your sources. it also shows you understand your topic and what resources your going to use to help you . its great that you got more then 2 sources, books and the web.your topic is really interesting,


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