I am writing about how the food from the 19th Century was better than that of the food we eat in the 21st Century. Throughout history the food industry has been blasted for their part in obesity. This is because people from the early days ate healthy and natural food items rather than preserved items which must be approved as healthy but is not really if the Nutritional facts are read in the back of every product bought from the grocery store or market
In the 19th Century food in Ghana, food from my country was gotten from people’s farms because we were a hunting and gathering society. Every family had their own farm where they planted what was need, whether to sell to others or for their own need. My grandmother still goes by the old life style which is by having her own where she grows corn, tomatoes, pepper and many times of fruits including Avocado, Pears and Oranges. She also raises animals such as chickens, ducks and goats. This makes it possible to be able to support a family because you can sell them to other people that don’t have the same resources as you.
There are so many food recipes that have changed but the one I would be talking about will have to be Palm Nut Soup. This is a soup that is made from real palm nuts gotten of palm trees. Firstly, the palms are plucked from the tree and put in a pot where it is heated. Then after the skin of the nuts is pealed off, separate the nuts, which will not be included in the soup. The skins will be put in the pot and boiled for about ten minutes then onions and pepper will be added. After boiling add the rest of the ingredients to the to be soup, which are half teaspoon of cayenne pepper, two cups tomato, chopped two cups okra, one medium eggplant cut into chunks of 1 pound and lastly fish or crab meat with 1/2 teaspoon salt. The difference in this recipe compared to that of the 21th Century is that the palm nuts where preserved in cans therefore given chemicals to grow faster in order to sell fast and profit of its sale so as the vegetables used in preparing the soup and depending on what is used may it be Fish of Meat are given a kind of food to grown faster and bigger there for there
Other recipe ill be writing about will be Fufu. This can be eaten with the above soup. Back in the 19th Century in order to cook this all you needed was to boil plantains and cassava until they are both soft. Then with a Mortar and pistil, it is pondered with the pistil until it becomes a compound. Now in the 21st because companies have found a way to have a powdered version of the plantains and cassava so all you need to do is just mix the two with water and either cook in on the stove, which would involve frequent mixing and turning with a wooden spoon. The other alternative will be after mixing it with water just put in the microwave and set to 15-20 minutes. Take it out and mix it and if its not turning into a compound you can always put it back for about 5-10 minutes till the compound is gotten. Fufu is served warm. This is because the soup is hot and is poured on top of it and backs them and sometimes if you want to keep with tradition the hands are used to eat.
Throughout history the health foundation has been criticized about their food being passed by the FDA say healthy while people get sick may it be from the spinach that caused food poisoning to even death or chicken in supermarkets. There are so many incidents that show that the more we find smarter ways to prolong foodstuff, the more we shorten the lifespan of humans. Its funny how the countries that are more developed are the ones suffering from these things. This should ring a bell to food factories but who care right, its all about the money.
Food poisoning bug is found in two thirds of supermarket chicken
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