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Apps are the Future

There are so many apps out in the atmosphere which can help you enjoy your SMARTPHONE.

I don't understand why people spend hundreds even thousands on a phone just to receive calls.

I really hope its not just to show to your friends.

Here is a list of Apps that I personally use

1. SurveyMini
Depending on where you go, mostly stress you get to review your experience which         will give you points which can eventually be used for gift cards

2. InboxDollars
This app is a checkin based one, you can actually checkin multiple times depending on your location, which gives you sweeps and money, The sweeps can be used for rewards, cash or some sort of lottery thing. it also has surveys which can get you more money. Basically the more you do the more you get

3. Ebates
Do you like to shop, if you do why not earn something while you do #CASHBACK. Its not much but everything adds up. Try it, you really don't have anything to lose. Some major stores care carried by them #GUESS #GILT #GNC even #GROUPON.
Use my referral code to Start off in the GREEN, it only actually shows once you start using it

4. Shopkick
Do you like shopping, this app actually makes you walk more, or exercise, you choose and you get kicks from stores that participate in it. You get OFFERS, DISCOVER offers and new stores which will motivate you to workout.

5. Acorns
This app compared to the other ones I have shared basically deposits the leftover change on what you already spent into your account for saving. That leftover Money adds up and it can be very useful one day. That amount can be change to double or even triple. I think that's the most it'll go past but don't take my word for it, also do your research
Acorn Link

As Time goes on I'll update this List 


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